F.I.R.S.T Rules
Principles for good tests
The F.I.R.S.T Rules are a set of principles good tests should follow. They make sure that automated tests are worth their investment. They are a bit abstract and don’t tell you directly how to do things. But later, we will discover many techniques that help you apply the F.I.R.S.T Rules for a great testing experience.
F.I.R.S.T is an acronym for:
- F ast: Tests should run fast
- I ndependant: A test should not depend on another test
- R epeatable: test should be repeatable, so they are reproducable
- S elf-Validating: No manual work should be required to check if a test failed or not
- T imely: Ideally, tests should be written before writing the production code
A detailed explanation of the F.I.R.S.T Rules can be found here.
Last modified September 8, 2020